Every human in life shares a commonality regardless of race, religion, and or gender, we all require food and sleep to survive and all of us wake each morning with plans of accomplishing something regardless of its significance, for some it is to once again find bodily nourishment, defecate and repeat the process, day in and day out. The simple question of “what is your why” pertains to what is your reason for getting up in the morning, what do you want to accomplish with the gift that another day has brought? For me, I have my goals and our life needs binned into a few simple categories:
Personal development:
This is doing things to better my mind and body. This is where lifelong learning sits, which I satisfy through my passion for academics, reading and conversation with others, this is also an area where physical fitness lives and must remain a consistent practice. Without a sound body and mind it would be difficult to fulfill what is noted below.
Family involvement:
This is doing what is needed to raise respectful, critical thinking, mentally tough and self-sufficient kids to adulthood and being a good husband, brother, friend, son, cousin and just all around supportive and contributing member to my blood and extended family.
Community Outreach:
This is the area of giving back our paying it forward, spending time with the limited skills and experience I have acquired over the years to help others achieve their dreams, it is giving back to organizations that played a role in providing a foundation for me to stand on. It is doing good deeds for others and society.
Survival Skills:
Most people don’t have a bin for this area, this category also has ties to personal development and family involvement. This is the area where skills must be honed to protect family, other loved ones, general public and or country from threats. This is where Martial Arts and weapons training resides as well as safety tactics are the topics of discussion and practice in our household. It is the life insurance policy that we pay into through our training and development to help prepare us for a time, when God forbid we may need it. I suppose this is also an area that taps into something more primal like fishing for food, hunting or doing those things that we needed to do to help us and our clan survive against starvation and death from competing tribes that threatened our survival. Some may see this area of development as unnecessary in today’s somewhat civilized society, however like many societies, civility is not built on solid ground, or perhaps better stated it is built on the actions of other men, civil unrest can lead to a downward spiral of martial law, requiring law abiding citizens to defend themselves and their family against threats.
These are the areas that are my “why”, they provide my mental grounding and purpose for living, they are the reasons I bother getting dressed in the morning and dedicate time to my physical wellbeing. Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s mentions in his memoir titled “Mans Search for Meaning” that each of us has to have a reason for living in order to survive the most heinous of circumstances; from his experience as a prisoner in a Nazi death camp he found that once someone lost their “why” the mind followed by the body gave up fighting for survival and they perished, but those who were reminded of a why continued to fight for survival. Our very existence for life requires that we know or at least take the time to think about “what is our why”, once you have found your “why”, hold on to that thought to help you overcome setbacks and struggles you may and will encounter in life. Each of us may have different reasons for getting up in the morning, regardless of what your reason is, I hope it is reason enough to keep you fighting the good fight to live another day, week, month, year and life of “self-actualization”. God Bless.
Personal development:
This is doing things to better my mind and body. This is where lifelong learning sits, which I satisfy through my passion for academics, reading and conversation with others, this is also an area where physical fitness lives and must remain a consistent practice. Without a sound body and mind it would be difficult to fulfill what is noted below.
Family involvement:
This is doing what is needed to raise respectful, critical thinking, mentally tough and self-sufficient kids to adulthood and being a good husband, brother, friend, son, cousin and just all around supportive and contributing member to my blood and extended family.
Community Outreach:
This is the area of giving back our paying it forward, spending time with the limited skills and experience I have acquired over the years to help others achieve their dreams, it is giving back to organizations that played a role in providing a foundation for me to stand on. It is doing good deeds for others and society.
Survival Skills:
Most people don’t have a bin for this area, this category also has ties to personal development and family involvement. This is the area where skills must be honed to protect family, other loved ones, general public and or country from threats. This is where Martial Arts and weapons training resides as well as safety tactics are the topics of discussion and practice in our household. It is the life insurance policy that we pay into through our training and development to help prepare us for a time, when God forbid we may need it. I suppose this is also an area that taps into something more primal like fishing for food, hunting or doing those things that we needed to do to help us and our clan survive against starvation and death from competing tribes that threatened our survival. Some may see this area of development as unnecessary in today’s somewhat civilized society, however like many societies, civility is not built on solid ground, or perhaps better stated it is built on the actions of other men, civil unrest can lead to a downward spiral of martial law, requiring law abiding citizens to defend themselves and their family against threats.
These are the areas that are my “why”, they provide my mental grounding and purpose for living, they are the reasons I bother getting dressed in the morning and dedicate time to my physical wellbeing. Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s mentions in his memoir titled “Mans Search for Meaning” that each of us has to have a reason for living in order to survive the most heinous of circumstances; from his experience as a prisoner in a Nazi death camp he found that once someone lost their “why” the mind followed by the body gave up fighting for survival and they perished, but those who were reminded of a why continued to fight for survival. Our very existence for life requires that we know or at least take the time to think about “what is our why”, once you have found your “why”, hold on to that thought to help you overcome setbacks and struggles you may and will encounter in life. Each of us may have different reasons for getting up in the morning, regardless of what your reason is, I hope it is reason enough to keep you fighting the good fight to live another day, week, month, year and life of “self-actualization”. God Bless.